Wednesday, May 28, 2014

~ What I'm Reading Wednesday ~

I love to read. It's always been a huge passion of mine. I think the reason I wear glasses is because when I was a child I would stay up late every night hovering by the window trying to get even the tiniest sliver of moonlight to fall across my page so I could read.

This drove my mother insane! She would constantly burst into my room to make sure that I was sleeping and not reading. That was when I developed a keen sense of hearing and mastered the art of "fake sleeping".

My older sister had advised me that in order to do it well I had to make sure my mouth was slightly opened. These tricks worked well from time to time but alas I would eventually get busted again. Finally my mother gave up and resigned to the fact that no matter what the punishment was for staying up all night reading I was still going to do it. It did not matter to me that I would be exhausted all throughout school the next day. In the end she bought me a reading light and told me to stop squinting.

These days I still read for pleasure. I have a selection of favorites that I keep on a cluttered bookshelf for when the moment strikes and I want to revisit an old friend. I will give any book a chance to earn it's spot on my shelves. You can often find me snuggled up somewhere in silence with a good book.

Right now I'm reading Walden on Wheels by Ken Ilgunas. I had been reading his blog for years when he put out his first book. I bought it right away. I already new I was a fan of his writing and this particular journey in his life was what attracted me to his blog in the first place. I was once a personal finance blogger and I've also experienced living out of a vehicle when we spent one year traveling the whole of Australia. It was more than that though. Ken is excellent at making you feel like you are in on his adventure with him. When you don't have the current opportunity to be doing these things yourself you can live them through his writing.

I look forward to finishing this book and sharing a review with all of you soon. What are you reading right now?

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